Garioch Community Kitchen is the recipient of the 2023 Raffle Proceeds. Amongst the donated Art Works by the Showcase Artists was a Painting donated by a friend of the late Sandra Lister, who was a great supporter of the Gordon Art Exhibition. Thank you if you bought a Raffle Ticket, and if you won a Prize we hope you are enjoying your Prized Artwork. The Gordon Art Exhibition Treasurer Murray Matthew presenting a cheque for £200.
The project aims to encourage practical cookery skills within local communities, raise awareness of healthy eating messages, food hygiene and deliver training through its brand name ‘Confidence to Cook”. The kitchen offers a variety of courses, including practical cooking skills, nutrition and food hygiene courses and ‘Training for Trainers’ courses for members of the community and support workers. Run by a voluntary committee supported by representatives from NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council. The committee members have a wealth of experience in the catering and hospitality industry as well as nutrition and teaching qualifications. REHIS accredited Food Hygiene and Nutrition courses are also available to those seeking to increase their knowledge, skills and employability prospects. The training kitchen welcomes all ages and groups of people, from all over Grampian, whatever their skill level may be and is also available for hire by individuals wishing to run their own courses. Check out their Facebook page or website https://gariochcommunitykitchen.org/ A Registered Charity SCIO Scottish Charity No SC046110