Article 1: Name and Mission
Section 1: Name
The Committee shall officially be known as Gordon Art Exhibition Committee
Section 2: Mission
The Gordon Arts Exhibition Committee is dedicated to the promotion of art works throughout Aberdeenshire and the surrounding area. The intent is for the committee members to work together, to support artist, to facilitate within reason and to promote an art exhibition yearly to showcase the art talent of Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.
It will also arrange any other activity agreed by the committee in the interest of promoting artist/art within the areas so mentioned above.
Article 2: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
The Gordon Arts Exhibition Committee is open to all volunteers accepted by the committee who believe that creativity brings benefits to everyone and who are enthusiastic and encourage a wide range of participants regardless whether they are artist or not. The Gordon Art Exhibition Committee invites those who have a passion for art and wish to contribute to the art community.
Section 2: Voting Membership Criteria
Upon joining Art Exhibition Committee, all members are “voters” and have the power to vote on issues which arise within committee meetings. Along with this privilege comes the expectation and responsibility of attending a majority of the meetings.
Section 3: Responsibilities
In being a Member of the Gordon Arts Exhibition Committee, there are certain responsibilities that every Committee member is expected to perform:
1. Attend all general and special meetings
2. Participate in Exhibition events and activities, (supporting and volunteering a service)
3. Support the Chair person and officers, Contribute to ideas and help plan activities and volunteer to carry them out.
Article 3: Committee Officers
Section 1:
The following positions are Committee officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Fundraising Officer and Business Advisor.
They shall serve for a period of three years or to such time as they offer resignation, or until such time as their activity proves unbeneficial to the committee.
Section 2: Committee Officers conduct
All officers shall work for the benefit of the Art Exhibition Mission. If it is deemed that an officer service is proved seriously unbeneficial to the service or brings the committee into serious conflict through unacceptable conduct whereby the purpose of the Art exhibition and or such conduct leads to the failure of the Art exhibition, the chairperson shall convene a meeting of all committee members whereby evidence shall be heard and may lead to the officer forfeiting that position.
Section 3: Duties of the Committee Officers
Chairperson – The chairperson provides the overall vision and direction of the Art Exhibition Committee, Represents and speaks to the public and media on behalf of the committee, oversees all events and activities, and appoints members to oversee a particular activity or event if and when necessary. The chairperson shall see that the Art Exhibition follows the agreed activity set by the Committee and or its officers. The chairperson calls and presides at all meetings. The chairperson also may call meetings when necessary for the benefit of the Art Exhibition operational functioning.
Vice Chairperson The vice chairperson shall assist the chairperson in all roles. The vice chairperson shall become chairperson if the office is open before the end of the term.
Secretary The secretary shall record all the topics discussed at every meeting and shall post the minutes and file a copy in the Committees records. The secretary shall also send out the emails and/or normal posted information, and the meetings agenda to notify members about meetings and events.
Treasurer The treasurer shall keep all financial records of payments made and received pertaining to the Gordon Art Exhibition Committees activity, take an active part in the registration, receiving and sales of works involving the Gordon Art Exhibition activities. The treasurer shall notify the Committee of its finances upon requests and supply all information pertaining to accounts of receipt and expenditure at the Annual General Meeting.
Publicity Officer The publicity officer is responsible for promoting a positive image of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee within the community by creating materials and cultivating media relations. Also, working with whole of the committee designs, produces and distributes marketing materials; writes press releases, contacts schools and local news papers and creates an active social media platform, ie Face-book , website.
Fundraising Officer The fundraising officer is responsible leading all fundraising efforts. Working closely with all members of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee that such efforts are for the benefit of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee showcase activity. Working with the chairperson and treasurer to fill out applications necessary to receive funding and develop fundraising events and initiatives.
Advisor The advisor shall give business guidance and strategy to the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee regarding art related events and activities for the benefit of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee’s long term being
Section 4: Vacancy in Office
Should a vacancy of a Committee officer occur, the other officers shall assume that office appointed by the chairperson until the vacant officers position is filled again by a volunteer following discussion by the Committee Officers. Should there be a case of more than one volunteer, then a vote shall be taken in a special election process, conducted by the secretary.
Section 5: Removal from Office
If any member of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee feels that any of the officers are not fulfilling or abusing their office, that member must bring it to the attention of either the chairperson or the vice chairperson.
Should both the chairperson and vice chairperson be under accusation, it shall be brought to the attention of the secretary, treasurer, and/or advisor. That officer shall send to all members of the arts exhibition committee. Signatures from over 1/3 mail, or email. The petition shall be sent to all members of the club. At that time, the accused officer will have the opportunity of defence at a special meeting. A special election is conducted. The Committee shall decide if the removed official can or cannot run for office again.
Section 6: Appeal
An officer removed from the office has the opportunity to appeal to the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee Officers. The Chairperson and/or a Full Committee (by vote) may reinstate any removed official following a review of the case to be heard..
Article 4: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
Regular meetings are to be conducted once a month. Time and place will be set by the chairperson. There will be a meeting held once a year for the large group’s availability Known as the Annual General Meeting. This meeting shall have a report on the activity to date of the operational activity including the financial position, information on upcoming events, art opportunities in the community, and other art experiences.
Section 2: Executive Meetings
The chairperson shall call meetings with officers responsible for assigned projects at the chairpersons’ discretion and /or within regular scheduled committee meetings.
Section 3: Special Meetings
A Special meeting may be called by any Committee member with 1 (one) week notice to all committee members. Chairperson. In the case of a member or an officer giving a defence, a special meeting will occur. Unless dealing with a removal, a special meeting shall be conducted like a regular meeting.
Section 4: Conduction of a Meeting
At the beginning of every meeting, minutes shall be read. Then, any unresolved issues shall be worked out and voted on. Should any issue remain unresolved, it can either be brought up next meeting or voted to be put down. By the end of the meeting, all issues should be dealt with and any tasks for members should be assigned.
Section 5: Voting at Meetings
Matters, proposal to be voted upon, it is to have two recommendations, (a proposer and seconder),. Over half of the voting members are needed for a vote to be valid. Voting by the Committee can be conducted verbally or by ballot.
Article 5: Committees/Appointees
Section 1: Committees
The Chairperson has authority to create committees to oversee certain activities within the Gordon Art Exhibition agreed operational and/or functional action plan.
Section 2: Appointees
Should it become necessary, the chairperson has the authority to appoint members to oversee certain activities within the Arts Exhibition agreed action plan.
Article 6: Finances
Section 1: Dues
Members of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee are volunteers and are therefore not required to pay any dues, and payment for travel/subsistence will not necessarily be paid, however, under certain circumstances at the discretion of the Chairperson and Treasurer some reimbursement may be given..
Article 7: Amendments
Section 1: Proposing Amendments
This constitution may be changed any time, however, The proposed change must be brought to the attention of the Secretary and/or Chairperson. The Committee shall vote upon the new amendment proposed for either its’ inclusion or rejection..
Section 2: Amending! Ratification
All Gordon Art Exhibition Committee Members are responsible to vote on all amendments to the constitution. Voting may be done verbally or through a ballot.
Two thirds of the committee roster must vote in favour to make the amendment valid.
Amendments may be incorporated into any part of the constitution. It must be made sure that a past copy of the constitution is on file before revisions. Any amended constitution created by the Art Exhibition Committee must be dated and filed.
Article 8
The Gordon Art Exhibition Committee admits volunteers without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and other activities, generally accorded or made available to members of the Gordon Arts Exhibition Committee.
Constitution Proposal Amendment March 2018
It is the intention to make formal application to the Local Authority Area Manager for capital funding for the purpose support of purchasing lighting and other equipment in the functioning of providing future art exhibitions enhancing and promoting a cultural event for the benefit of the local and surrounding communities of the Garioch area.
Further to the above a bid will be made to the National Lottery Commission for monies for a capital investment to also promote same.
In both cases and perhaps other such applications will require the proposed information as part of the applying organisation to have such a clause as part of their constitution.
With reference to Article 27; (Amendments); – Sections 1 & 2,
It is proposed that the following proposal be added to the Constitution of the Gordon Art Exhibition Committee Constitution under Article 6 and becomes Section 2.
The Proposal
In the event or at a time that the Committee declare the dissolve of the Committee and or its’ function – following the payment of all outstanding invoices for payment; – all monies held or deemed in the control of the Committee, shall be divided or shared by those like charities on application to and agreed by the Committee Members responsible for its’ end of function and Committee purpose.
The above amendment was agreed at the Committee Meeting March 2018.