2025 Adult Exhibition Entry Closed 5 February & 16 and Under Entry Closed 12 February 2025
Hope to see you at the Exhibition We had 800+ Visitors in 2024, not surprising with such high quality work

Hope to see you at the Exhibition We had 800+ Visitors in 2024, not surprising with such high quality work
Award Sponsor
Donside Frames
Adult Best in Show: “Old Lady” by Liz Young
Award Sponsor:
J & A Keepsakes
Most Eye Catching Art Work: “Chris & the Corpach Wreck” by Ian Matthews
Most Promising Young Artist: “Flowering Spring” by Isla Hao
Most Creative Piece: “Jelly Fish” by Mya Jaffrey
Award Sponsor
Frameworks Gallery, Blackburn
Under 16 Best In Show
Love Birds by Ana Gonzalez
Preview Evening People’s Choice Winner
People’s Choice:
Preview Evening: Forever Free joint entry by Rosa Gonzalez & Amy Maxwell
Thursday: Old Lady by Liz Young
Friday: Young Girl by Liz Young
Saturday : Pizzeria by Liz Young
Sunday: Joint Winners:Chris & the Corpach Wreck by Ian Matthews & Highland Siesta by Dorothy Beaton
The 2024 Raffle Prizes were Art Works donated by the Showcase Artists, proving very popular and raising enough to allow us to support 3 local charities, Charlie House £200, Befriend a Child £100, and Grampian Opportunities £50. Thank you if you bought a Raffle Ticket, and if you won, we hope you are enjoying your prized Artwork.
Charlie House supports Children with Life Limiting or Life Threatening Conditions & their Families, at a difficult time. Charlie House
Befriend a Child Vision is that all children experience a happy childhood and are given the best chance in life to thrive. Befriend a Child
Grampian Opportunities supporting & Guiding People with learning disabilities, long-term conditions, mental health problems and autism, live a life full of opportunities. Grampian Opportunities
Award Winners
Award Sponsor Donside Frames
Adult Best in Show: “The Old Lady” by Liz Young
Award Sponsor:
J & A Keepsakes
Most Eye Catching Art Work: “Chris & the Corpach Wreck” by Ian Matthews
Most Promising Young Artist: “Flowering Spring” by Isla Hao
Most Creative Piece: “Jelly Fish” by Mya Jaffrey
Award Sponsor
Frameworks Gallery, Blackburn
Under 16 Best In Show
Love Birds by Ana Gonzalez
Preview Evening People’s Choice Winner
People’s Choice:
Preview Evening: Forever Free joint entry by Rosa Gonzalez & Amy Maxwell
Thursday: Old Lady by Liz Young
Friday: Young Girl by Liz Young
Saturday : Pizzeria by Liz Young
Sunday: Joint Winners:Chris & the Corpach Wreck by Ian Matthews & Highland Siesta by Dorothy Beaton
Wednesday 7 June 2023 6 – 8.30pm,
Acorn Centre, West High Street, Inverurie, AB51 3SA
The GAE Committee hope that you will be able to join us for the 2023 AGM where we will be interested in your thoughts on how the 2023 Event was for you and any suggestions you may have going forward.
Gordon Art Exhibition Annual General Meeting:
Wednesday 7 June 2023 6 – 8.30pm,
Acorn Centre, West High Street, Inverurie, AB51 3SA
Please can you advise if you will be joining us so we know how many to cater for.
RSVP: [email protected]
Garioch Community Kitchen is the recipient of the 2023 Raffle Proceeds. Amongst the donated Art Works by the Showcase Artists was a Painting donated by a friend of the late Sandra Lister, who was a great supporter of the Gordon Art Exhibition. Thank you if you bought a Raffle Ticket, and if you won a Prize we hope you are enjoying your Prized Artwork. The Gordon Art Exhibition Treasurer Murray Matthew presenting a cheque for £200.
The project aims to encourage practical cookery skills within local communities, raise awareness of healthy eating messages, food hygiene and deliver training through its brand name ‘Confidence to Cook”. The kitchen offers a variety of courses, including practical cooking skills, nutrition and food hygiene courses and ‘Training for Trainers’ courses for members of the community and support workers. Run by a voluntary committee supported by representatives from NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council. The committee members have a wealth of experience in the catering and hospitality industry as well as nutrition and teaching qualifications. REHIS accredited Food Hygiene and Nutrition courses are also available to those seeking to increase their knowledge, skills and employability prospects. The training kitchen welcomes all ages and groups of people, from all over Grampian, whatever their skill level may be and is also available for hire by individuals wishing to run their own courses. Check out their Facebook page or website https://gariochcommunitykitchen.org/ A Registered Charity SCIO Scottish Charity No SC046110
Yes we have gone on-line for the 2021 Exhibition.
Thank you to all our exhibiting Artists who have supported us in this new venture.
We hope you enjoy viewing the exhibition from the comfort of your own armchair.
We will be back live in 2022, Dates to confirmed.
Regrettably the Gordon Art Exhibition 2020 /2021 events we cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Understandably, it was not possible to hold the 2020/2021 Exhibitions due to the COVID-19 restrictions that were in place during 2020 and early 2021. As soon as these restrictions are lifted and life begins to return to normal, we will aim to host an Exhibition again.
The Raffle Prizes were Works of Art created and donated by the Showcase artists, raising £639. Which was divided equally between The Talking Newspaper for the Blind Inverurie, and For the Love of Garioch who each received a cheque for £319.50
The Gordon Art Exhibition Committee wanted to create an opportunity that encouraged young people to become involved in the annual art event. With this in mind, the committee invited Inverurie Academy to take part in creating artwork that could be displayed at the Showcase Event in 2018. The programme was rolled out to the S3 year group who produced some excellent work which was exhibited and enjoyed by all.
This experience enabled the committee to put together an Art Competition that could be accessed by a greater number of schools and young people for 2019.
The competition was launched in September 2018 and 3 schools were involved, Kellands Primary, Chapel of Garioch Primary and Inverurie Academy. The competition divided into three age categories catered for young people from 7 -18 years.
The young people worked to the theme “The Beauty of Nature” and produced some outstanding artwork. The winners and runners up had their work framed and exhibited at the March 2019 Gordon Art Exhibition. They were presented with certificates of participation and prizes by well-known local artist from Collieston – Paul Ritchie.
The Committee were delighted to award the Overall Competition Winner to Tia Morrison of Inverurie Academy whose work “Sky of Inspiration” won first place in the Intermediate Category. Her prize consisted of an afternoon workshop for herself and Guardian with local artist Jane McMillan.
Future competitions will be announced shortly, and we hope to engage with more schools encouraging them to take part in the competition for the 2020 Art Exhibition.
The range of media used, and the diversity of ideas created by the young people was inspiring. The exhibition provided a great opportunity to view their artwork and was thoroughly enjoyed by members of the public.
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